Montana Sleep Society

Montana Regional Sleep Seminar 2025
September 25th & 26th, 2025
Helena, MT
The Montana Sleep Society is an organization devoted to providing educational opportunities for sleep technologists, physicians, dentists, respiratory therapists and other health care professionals with an interest in sleep medicine. Our goal is to keep an eye on legislation that may impact the field of sleep medicine and potentially affect our ability to practice as sleep technologists in the state of Montana.
We also provide an educational opportunity in September to educate sleep professionals as well as other allied health professionals; this includes MD's, PA's, Nurse Practioner's, RN's, RRT's and others on the current trends in sleep medicine and health. We have created a scholarship fund in memory of Vicki Bellew, RRT, RPSGT to provide educational funding for new sleep technologist's just starting in the field to attend our nationally recognized seminar.