About Us

The Montana Sleep Society is an organization that:

  • Promotes and supports research and education in polysomnography and sleep medicine.
  • Encourages and assists in the advancement of scientific and technical standards of polysomnographic technology.
  • Preserve both the patient and public trust in doctoral-level sleep clinicians and polysomnographic technologist.
  • Promotes the highest level of clinical standards for patient care and safety and to produce the highest quality of polysomnographic data and patient care.
  • Increases awareness of sleep research and sleep medicine.
  • Improve standards of training and qualifications for doctoral-level sleep clinicians and polysomnographic technologists. 
  • Provide a unified voice for sleep professionals in matters of insurance reimbursement, testing standards and the application of treatment modalities for sleep disorders.  
  • Act as a representative voice for sleep professionals in Montana legislative matters.